
Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

By Kelley Reynolds

“Oh, these are for an ideal or perfect workplace.”  During a recent facilitation, a well-established and experienced leader participant made that comment to me.   The comment made was to imply that the concept we discussed during our session would not work at their particular place of employment, only in a utopian organization.  Were these comments made to shirk responsibility?  No, I do not think so.  This person was just processing.  However, the comment made me think.

Will we ever work at an ideal or perfect workplace? No.  

Why?  Because our workplaces are owned and led by human beings; imperfect and flawed human beings.  They only hire humans. Then we only promote those same imperfect and flawed humans into leadership positions. 

Does this mean we are destined to toil and suffer under tyrannical bosses eight hours a day, five days a week?  No!

As leaders, because our workplace is not ideal, we do not work in an ideal office, is this an excuse for us to not give our best to our teams? No.

Though none of us are without challenges, by the time we promote into leadership, each of has an idea of what good leadership looks and feels like.  Or, we have experienced poor (management) leadership and are determined to do better.

Once promoted, do good leadership skills enter our brains through osmosis, during our sleep?  No.  They require genuine effort.  It is our impetus to seek training and classes. Obtaining information and education costs us time and money.  After you have attended a class and earned a certificate, is that enough? No.

This is where you must be candid with yourself.  This takes courage.  You have to take a good hard look at yourself and prepare for what you will see.  Are you exemplifying your best leadership skills? Have you ceased your poor management habits? When you ask yourself, though you might know the right answer, are you being honest with yourself?

Knowing that there are areas where you can improve, is that enough?  No. Now comes the real effort; implementing what we have learned into action.  Do you listen enough? Do your emotions match your task? Are you being a good role model?  Do you offer praise and encouragement abundantly? Wherever you answer no, then take action and fix it!

So, you have worked to make those improvements, are you done?  No.  Because situations are dynamic.  Needs change.  People grow.  Organizations advance.   In leadership, you will have to continue to adapt and grow with the needs of your teams and to the goals of the organization.

Once you have modified your leadership behaviors, does that mean you are done?  Have you created the Utopian organization? No, of course not.  However, you are making improvements.  You are making a difference.  Your team will notice the change in your behavior.  They will notice that coming into the office is more pleasant.  They will appreciate the strengthened relationships; time you share with them; the reasonable and reliable expectations you have set for them. 

Is this perfect? No.  Did you make it better? Yes.

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

Kelley’s optimistic outlook on life guides her belief that change is possible!

Her easy going instruction style mixed with a dry wit make her an entertaining educator. She has instructed professionals throughout the nation as well as internationally. Kelley has earned a Master of Business Administration and possesses a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, both from University of Nevada, Las Vegas.


Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

By Kelley Reynolds

We are right here, right now.  This is it. 

June 2020 was never going to look like June 2019.  Or June 2018.  Or 2010. Never.  Change was going to occur.  We are not able stop change any more than we can stop time.

Yes, the last several months shifted the change gear into overdrive.  I understand, you suffered losses.  To some extent, all of us have.  The loss may have been income, employment, time, joy or loved ones.  Some of us lost much more than others. The fact remains, this is where we are.

Sitting around blaming this politician for reacting slowly or that politician for overreacting simply keeps us stuck somewhere between denial and anger.  These are just distractions and what does any of that matter now? Pontificating and denigrating may make you feel powerful.  However, lingering here is wasting more time, playing the victim, and giving away your power.  When instead you could be doing. 

Denial and anger are stages of grieving. You need to mourn your losses.  Grieve while living. Now is the time for action; not lamenting and lambasting.

Leaders are not powerless victims.  We are people of action.

The next stage of grief is acceptance.  You get there through effort and initiative.  The future was not going to look like what you thought it was going to, but it was not going to anyway.  The future may now appear messy and the ride bumpy and painful.  You have no choice but to buckle up, hold on and keep going.  Move forward and even take advantage of the changes. Life was always going to happen. The road was going to have dips and bumps and potholes, but man, check out the view!

As leaders, whether that is your title or informal position within your organization or role in your family, it is time for you to implement your plan.  If you do not have one, the time to create one is now.  People, your team, your family are looking to you, as a role model, as a beacon of hope.  They are looking to you to lead them through the uncertainty and build confidence for tomorrow.

It is a new day.  It is not going to be business as usual.  You do not have to do things like you always did. That is the beauty of it. You get to reinvent or renovate and innovate.

This may challenge you like never before.  You may have to dig deeper.  That is okay.  Dig deep. Stressors can also have positive effects. You will find what you need. It is within you.  Use your good leadership skills to enhance your confidence. Remind yourself of previous problems you overcame. Envision your successes. Surround yourself with people who are realistic and positive. Change the dialog.  Ask different questions. Where is the opportunity? Where can I create one? What do I do well? How do I move forward? Who can help navigate? What will the future look like?

You will lead your team during and through this difficulty.  You will get through this.  Because that is the only option you have!  Now, let’s get to it.

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

Kelley’s optimistic outlook on life guides her belief that change is possible!

Her easy going instruction style mixed with a dry wit make her an entertaining educator. She has instructed professionals throughout the nation as well as internationally. Kelley has earned a Master of Business Administration and possesses a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, both from University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

What I Want My Kids to Know

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

By Kelley Reynolds

One of the most consistently lively discussions during facilitation usually occurs early in the program.  The provocative discussion topic is “What are appropriate and inappropriate motivations to get into leadership?”  Specifically, why money is not a good motivation.  Of course, money is a factor since we do not work for free.  However, money in and of itself, is not a good reason to promote into leadership for a variety of reasons.  For example, the value of the pay raise is short-lived as you will soon become accustomed to living at (or above) the new rate of pay.  Also, the new responsibilities expected of you usually outweigh the pay received to perform them.  And not by a little!  The discussion usually concludes somewhere around the point that if you are promoting for the appropriate reasons, money will come.  Money will follow you.

Recently, after conducting this facilitation, the discussion remained on my mind.  The class conversation meandered, as they do, but my mind settled in this:

What do I want my kids to know about money? What changes? How can I help them make smart decisions with the money they will earn and become financially secure?

My background is in public service, not finance, banking, investments or accounting.  However, I am very fortunate to have access to a handful of people who, combined, have several hundred years of experience with money; wealth accumulation and management.  They represent the fields previously mentioned and more. So, I set out to seek their counsel.

This is not an article containing investment advice.  Nor containing strategies to replace your current program.  It simply contains the responses I received when I asked, “What do you want your kids to know about money?”

Pay yourself first. Right off the top. This must be done consistently; just like your rent or car payment.  You have to make this payment to yourself a priority. Start small because you want to set yourself up for success.  Maybe $25 per paycheck. If you start off too large, you may be tempted to skip the payment to yourself when you need a set of tires or to replace your hot water heater.

If your employer has a retirement program through payroll deduction, take advantage of it.  If they offer any sort of match to what you contribute, utilize and maximize the match. 

Ride the highs and lows.  Take advantage of dollar cost averaging. Invest a constant dollar amount each paycheck.  Say $100 dollars.  When prices are high and the market is expensive, you will buy fewer shares.  When prices are low, you will be buying more shares.  Over time, the average cost will be much lower than the average price. 

Create a simple budget.  Stick to it. Do not sacrifice but make thoughtful choices before spending.

Compare an interest-bearing account to cash.

Instead of buying a bunch of junk for your kids, deposit money into an account for them.  Start this early. 

Also, purchase a stock for your kids in some business, like a favorite sports team or restaurant. It will generate an interest and a sense of ownership.  Plus, you will teach your kids about investing money instead of just buying stuff.

Set a limit on usual purchases like movies and make-up for example.  For any amount over that set limit, create a 24-hour cooling-off period before allowing the purchase to be made.

Realize the value of your money and the real level of satisfaction.  Will spending $80 on a video game give you the same level of satisfaction for years to come as an $80 baseball mitt?  One may keep your attention for a month or two.  The other may be useful to you for years.

Teach them about interest, earning and paying. What do you get for the interest you pay? For a mortgage, you get a home as well as possibly an investment and a tax write-off. Student loans may provide you with an education.  Then there is credit card interest.  What are you really getting for that interest? What is the real cost of the stuff if purchased with a credit card and paid off over time? 

Also, make them aware of scams and get-rich-quick scheme, especially online when you have no idea with whom you are really interacting.  There is no Nigerian prince who needs your help to get their money, priceless wine inventory or dragon gold out of any country; or needs you to prepay tax on the winnings; or needs your help to get a nationally recognized business to pay their debt through your checking account, or social security number, IRS warrant or jailed grandson released. etc. Many of the technology-based payment options can be reversed within 24 hours of payment.

Past performance is not indicative of what the future will bring.

Finally, and most importantly, do not allow money to change you.  Remember your values and who you are. Donate to charity. Not everyone had the same opportunities, assistance or guidance as you. Stay humble and kind. 

Thanks for reading until the end.  I hope you found the research helpful and interesting. Please feel free to share with me any suggestions or successes you have had.

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

Kelley’s optimistic outlook on life guides her belief that change is possible!

Her easy going instruction style mixed with a dry wit make her an entertaining educator. She has instructed professionals throughout the nation as well as internationally. Kelley has earned a Master of Business Administration and possesses a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, both from University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Thank You and a Little Bit of Fun


With three months still to go, 2019 has been nothing short of spectacular.  Through September, we have had the best year in 27 plus years in business and have been able to serve more people, connect with more participants, use more DiSC assessments and maintain a 100% participant satisfaction rate.

We cannot thank you enough.  Without you, none of this would be possible and we appreciate you greatly.  

To show our appreciation, and have a little fun along the way, we will be giving away a little gift every Friday in November.  All you have to do is follow our Facebook Business Page, and like the Friday contest post.  You will get two entries if you like and share that post.  We will be using some highly sophisticated picking method involving dogs, cats and/or children to draw the winner each week.  Our weekly prizes will include:

  • Everything DiSC Assessment (36 Page Report Plus Access to – $64.50 Value)

  • LeadWell-The 10 Competencies of Outstanding Leadership (Book – $12.00 Value Plus Shipping)

  • Beyond Engagement (Book – $14.00 Value Plus Shipping)

  • Five Behaviors Personal Development Assessment ($107.50 Value)

  • GRAND PRIZE – 1 Week EduCode 2020 Leadership Track Attendance ($800.00 Value – Includes Social Events and Materials)   

Team members and family members of team members are not eligible for the drawing (not that they would want to anyway). 

Prepare for Opportunities

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

By Kelley Reynolds

In your career, have you ever been faced with a situation where you think you possess enough experience to handle it?  You’ve taken classes and continued your education to be ready when the opportunity presents? Where you run, excitedly and headlong into it; a defining moment of your career?  Only to find yourself ill-prepared in uncharted waters.

Some time ago, early in my career, I found myself in such a situation.

The opportunity was a business social event.  One where you are not “on the clock” but a work-event, nonetheless.

The invitation was for a business dinner.  Attending, was my boss and a C Suite level executive from a well-known organization.  I was over the moon to be invited. Yes, I am going to be sitting at the table!

An important tidbit, I’ve never been to cotillion.  Honestly, my friends and I were more red-solo cup people. Although I have received no professional training on etiquette, I have performed some research on Google.  I am confident I can navigate a dinner table place setting. Work from the outside in.  Any doubt, just watch what other people are doing, right? Easy!

A few evenings later, I found myself at a high-end restaurant which boasts a world recognized name, and I do not mean McDonalds.  They serve Japanese food.

One look at the place setting and my concerns over salad forks and which bread plate is mine were gone.  I quickly glanced around the other tables at the restaurant.  All I saw were chopsticks and this was a brand-new set of problems for which I am unprepared.

After observing my dining companion’s ritual of separating and sanding the chopsticks, I mimicked their actions.  I can do this! 

The first course, the chef, thankfully, sliced the lettuce into small pieces.  Without attracting attention to myself, using the chopsticks to pick, slide and stab, I was able to successful eat this course.  I’ve got this!

Meanwhile, the relationship strengthened as the conversation easily meandered from hometown to family to strategic goals.

Because of certain dietary needs, what was served to me next was different than my companions.  It contained olives.  Okay, it was a dirty martini.  But at this point, it really was a need! 

Grateful to be holding something other than the chopsticks, I swirled the olive skewer in the drink.  Feeling sure of myself, I popped the tip of skewer into my mouth and gracefully slid one of the olives from the stick. Yep, I am sitting with the big boys!

With the first bite I realized in horror, the olive contained the entire pit.  According to the rules of etiquette, you use your fork to properly remove the pit from your mouth.  I did not have a fork and did not think with my 20 minutes of experience I had mastered my chopstick technique to use them for this job.

While my boss and C Suite were discussing multi-million-dollar business strategies, I contemplated available discreet options for removing the pit in my mouth. A plan was formulated.  Listening to the tone and cadence of their conversation, timing for just the right moment, I swiftly performed the napkin trick.  Crisis averted!  I’ve so got this!

A course or two later, I carefully used my napkin, aware it concealed the pit.  With the napkin in my lap, I touched the edges and could no longer find the pit. It must have leapt to its death under the table! Problem solved!

The remainder of the meal was incident free.  We thanked the chef for his inspired culinary artistry. The three of us left the restaurant and walked through the casino to leave.  At the exit, we shook hands and said our goodbyes. 

The evening was incredible. We discussed tactics for rebranding, organizational restructuring and opportunities to increase market share.  I had just successfully navigated the high-powered business dinner!! Wahoo! Fist bump!

As I walked away, I felt something.  On the back of my pants. A wet spot with an olive pit embedded.  At that moment, there was nothing else for me to do but hold my head high and wear it with pride!

As leaders, we will be faced with new challenges. Our previous successes will help guide us.  However, some missions will not go as planned.  To adapt to changing landscape, expanding our knowledge base is critical. Embrace growth. Take every opportunity to learn something new.  We do not know what opportunities lie ahead of us or what tools we will need. It is better to be prepared than allow our leadership skills to end up in the pits!

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

Kelley’s optimistic outlook on life guides her belief that change is possible!

Her easy going instruction style mixed with a dry wit make her an entertaining educator. She has instructed professionals throughout the nation as well as internationally. Kelley has earned a Master of Business Administration and possesses a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, both from University of Nevada, Las Vegas.


Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

By Kelley Reynolds

THOSE People

In the hushed corners of the office cubicles, we can hear the whispers of our co-workers talk about a that certain group. Those people.

The Millennials!!!

Here is some information you might not know: They are our kids.  WE raised them.  They didn’t hatch or arrive on earth at age 21.  Whatever failings, perceived deficiencies and actual differences they have are on us!  We wanted to give them everything; to make up for we did not have in our own childhoods.  While growing up, we provided for them so well that they did not need to get a high school job.  We protected them from the childhood hurts and disappointments like not being a good enough athlete to make the team.  Everyone got a trophy.

We succeeded. We focused on protection and self-esteem.  Now we work with these team members whom as parents, we failed to prepare for the “real world” as we knew it.

To be sure, no one reading this is that parent.  It was everyone else!

Guess what?  The “real world” as we knew it, changed. 

We told them to go to college and now they are saddled with student loans that rival a mortgage.  A significant percentage of them didn’t get their first job until age 20! They are marrying later in life than we did.  Moving out on their own and starting families later than us, too. They are not buying homes at the age or rate we did. This generation is the first whose life expectancy will be shorter than their parents’. They have fewer social interactions. Social interaction is important factor to a long healthy life!

We can no longer compare their goals and benchmarks against our life achievement timelines. “When I was your age,” is not fair and is like comparing Pong to an online multiplayer game like World of Warcraft. (Google it.)

They may not be loyal to an employer.  Why would they? The days of graduating high school and getting the job at the local plant, mine or mill and working until retirement with a pension are all but gone.  The plant, mine or mill is likely gone too.  During the economic collapse, they observed us lose our jobs when our employers had to downsize or close.  They had to move, change schools when we lost our homes. They heard us when we asked ourselves, “What do we do now?” when our safety nets, the value of our retirement accounts and homes’ equity plummeted to next to nothing. They learned from what happened to us.  The message was clear: Loyalty to an employer guarantees nothing.

Plus, now to make up for what we lost in the previous decade, we are remaining in the workforce longer.  They do not have the career growth opportunities because we are still occupying the window offices.  Why would they not seek another job that may offer fulfillment since they neither trust nor see growth opportunity in their current workplace?

We cannot change the past.  They are here with us in the workforce. The company needs good people and we raised good people.  As leaders and employers, we need them!  Moving forward is the expectation and responsibility the organization has entrusted to us.

So, let us move forward.  In order to do that, we must utilize our best leadership skills.  We need to modify some of our expectations of them.  They want a job that is fulfilling and offers opportunity.  It is critical that we create a satisfying and social working environment. They need us to inspire and engage them.  They crave positive feedback from us. We can continue and increase the amount we provide of it. When we leave, they have to be prepared to move into our offices.  We are the ones to prepare them. This is natural for us because all we have ever wanted is for our kids to succeed!

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

Kelley’s optimistic outlook on life guides her belief that change is possible!

Her easy going instruction style mixed with a dry wit make her an entertaining educator. She has instructed professionals throughout the nation as well as internationally. Kelley has earned a Master of Business Administration and possesses a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, both from University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Plan B

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

By Kelley Reynolds

Growing up in Las Vegas, I appreciate the beauty and opportunity of the buffet. One day recently, for lunch, I wanted turkey, so I headed to my favorite buffet.  I walked in with the sole intent of dining on roasted turkey.  As I headed to the carving station, I survey the other tasty selections offered. The pizza was just pulled, hot from the oven. The Chow Mein appeared tired.  When I arrived at the carving station, they are out of turkey.  Now what?

Easy…. as I made my way through the line, I had crafted an alternate plan. Now, I moved to Plan B, the piping hot pizza.

Thankfully, the buffet offers options and an easy solution to my dining dilemma.

I recently read an article in which the author postulated that it is important to have a goal, Plan A.  Some people will create contingency plans, Plan B, if you will.  However, the author of the article wrote that the simple fact of having a Plan B means you are not committed to Plan A.

While I appreciated the author’s position, and enjoyed learning something new, I disagreed.

You can be fully committed to Plan A, 100 %, and still prepare a Plan B.  Having a Plan B does not take away from or in any way diminish A. 

Most of us believe we will live long lives.  Does owning a life insurance policy mean we are not committed to Plan A, long life?  No. Life insurance means that we realize that life does not always go along as we expect.

When we marry, we plan to remain together for the remainder of our lives and perhaps beyond.  Does a prenuptial agreement mean we are not committed to the love of our life, Plan A?  No. It means that in world in which we habitat, there are a myriad of legal and financial reasons for a prenuptial which in no way reflects our love or commitment.

To be clear, Plan B is not a euphemism for a boyfriend or girlfriend outside of your committed relationship!  Plan B does not sabotage or undermine Plan A.  It is in place if some external force interferes with your ability to succeed with Plan A. 

Having Plan B means that you are prepared.  Well prepared.  You have assessed the landscape and are aware that there are market forces beyond your control.

You realize that there are variables of which you may be unaware or have no influence.  The tornado that rips out sections of the highway in your delivery chain.  The embargo that stalls your supply chain. Or, the new technology launched that makes a service you offer irrelevant. 

While these are events you cannot control, you are able to control your response to them.  You either implement or scramble to develop Plan B or lose business.  Having Plan B in place allows you to be nimble and continue business when, for whatever reason Plan A is no longer viable.

Be fully committed to Plan A, to reaching the sales goal, to reducing client wait time or whatever your goal.  However, also be a leader prepared with contingency plans to help your team navigate when life takes twists and turns.

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

Kelley’s optimistic outlook on life guides her belief that change is possible!

Her easy going instruction style mixed with a dry wit make her an entertaining educator. She has instructed professionals throughout the nation as well as internationally. Kelley has earned a Master of Business Administration and possesses a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, both from University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Voices in My Head

Leading Edge from Aegis Learning

By Kelley Reynolds

So, you know how we are supposed to practice Listening Skills?  Focus on the other person.  Provide validation.  Correctly seek clarification.  Well, sometimes, I become distracted.  My mind wanders.  For example, a few months ago, a friend and I were discussing the 7 Wonders of the World.  We talked about the Great Wall of China.  We spoke about Colosseum in Rome.  As she proceeded to the Taj Mahal in India, I remained in Italy.  I thought about delicious, tender pillow pastas; cool, creamy Nutella gelato and thin crusted, double cheese pizza. Yum! My culinary revere was interrupted by my friend.  I noticed her smiling face as she asked, “What do you think?  Good idea?” 

This was my opportunity to ask for details or clarification because I had no idea what she had just proposed.  But did I ask?  Nope.  My response was…. “Yeah, good idea”, hoping to learn details of her thoughts during the remainder of the conversation.  She then received a phone call and left abruptly.  Oh, well, I could return to my Italian gourmet daydreams!

While it is important to practice Listening Skills, distractions do occur.  We can normally pick up the topic as the conversation continues.  If action is required of us, we will usually learn the expectation soon enough.

And a couple of weeks later, I learned.

My same friend contacted me to share the details of the reservation she made for OUR three-day trek through Peruvian villages to Machu Pichu. 

Oh, boy! 

See, I am not a hiker.  Not an outdoorsy kinda gal by any stretch.  Nor would anyone ever mistake me for an athlete either.  But, strolling through Peruvian villages…, how bad could that be?

Fast forward several weeks.

Now, I am walking through a rainforest with the same friend and a Peruvian guide named Carlos, a.k.a. El Diablo, who appeared to be a direct descendant from the Incans.  He was short, muscular and moved like a mountain goat.  I peered in the direction we were heading.  There were no villages in sight.  Not a soul nearby.  However, there was the largest mountain I had ever laid eyes on in our way.  We were going to have to go around it.

The guide smiled as we trekked.  I asked which way we were heading.  He pointed in the direction of the Giant Mountain.  I chuckled.  El Diablo was funny.  I responded, “I am NOT climbing THAT mountain!”  He laughed at me, then effortlessly leapt over an 8-foot boulder.

The trek became challenging quickly. The mountain peaked at 14,100 feet; was steep and covered in tall slick grass. The thin air was depleted of oxygen. I labored to breathe.  My heart beat rapidly to push oxygen into my lungs and straining muscles. The trek worsened with each step.  There was an inverse relationship between the altitude and my attitude.  The higher I ascended, the lower my thoughts sank.

“This is hard.”  “I am not a hiker.”  “What am I doing here?”  “I should stop and go back.” 

Soon these were the only thoughts traversing my brain.  “This sucks.”

At some point, I realized the sabotage occurring in my head.  I attempted to slow my breathing and calm my brain.  The negative thoughts were NOT helping me.  I had to change the refrain.

If I was going to succeed, ascend any higher, go any farther, I knew had to alter my thinking. However, I was sucking wind, literally and figuratively.  I felt puny and needed help. 

Suddenly, there was a chorus of voices in my head. No, I was not hallucinating from altitude sickness, for these were words of support.  The voices were from friends, family and colleagues.  People, who during previous challenging times had cheered and inspired me.  They offered encouragement and love. 

“Keep going.”  “You’ve got this.”  “One step at a time; one in front of the other.”  “You are doing this!”

The voices continued until I finally said, out loud, “Forget this! Before today, I might not have been a hiker.  But after the last 90 minutes, you bet your boots, I AM NOW!”  From somewhere above me, I heard El Diablo chuckle.

I trudged onward and upward; scrambling over boulders, occasionally on my hands and knees. 

The view from the top was spectacular.  Reaching the goal energized me.  I would complete the day’s 12-mile trek!

During my ascent, finding encouragement within myself was elusive, I knew positive thoughts were my only choice.  The negative thoughts did not serve me; they depleted me.  However, once I replaced the negative ones, I physically felt stronger, powerful and hopeful. 

I did not run up the mountain, but I didn’t need to run.  I just needed to keep taking small steps, one at a time, in the direction of my goal until I reached the top.

I drew upon previous encouragements I had received; other successful experiences to help me attain this goal.  This adventure will be added to my treasure chest of accomplishments; to be used as a reminder when needed!

So, keeping taking those steps towards your goal.  You’ve got this!

Now, I really must work on my Listening Skills!!

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

Kelley’s optimistic outlook on life guides her belief that change is possible!

Her easy going instruction style mixed with a dry wit make her an entertaining educator. She has instructed professionals throughout the nation as well as internationally. Kelley has earned a Master of Business Administration and possesses a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, both from University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

The Pilot

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

By Kelley Reynolds

I recently shared my observations of certain passengers while on a flight home from Spring break.

While on this flight, there was another opportunity to observe leadership in action.  I would be remiss if I failed to share with you the leadership skills demonstrated by another leader on this flight.  The Pilot

Those of you familiar with air travel are accustomed to the perfunctory pre-flight commentary offered by the cabin crew.  Included in this are the usual details offered by the pilot.  We’ll be cruising at 30,000 feet.  Our flight time, from gate to gate is 2 hours and 18 minutes, etc.  Rarely do I pay much attention to this.  However, when the pilot began the litany, I noticed the first comments were to thank us.  That was a nice touch.

Shortly after take-off, the pilot announced that we might encounter some turbulence.  For about the first hour, the flight was uneventful.  The beverage cart slowly made its way up the aisle as I noshed on a palm-sized bag of pretzels.  And then, we dipped and bounced a little.  The familiar ‘bing’ was heard overhead, indicating that the pilot was communicating with the crew. 

The pilot announced over the p.a. system that we were encountering the turbulence.  He instructed the flight attendants to take their seats.  He further informed us that they would attempt to find smoother air.

For the next 20 minutes or so, we shimmied and dipped.  Then the bumps stopped.  The pilot, true to his word, found smoother air for us.  He then communicated with us that while we were out of the turbulence and the flight attendants would resume beverage service.

The remainder of the flight was unremarkable.  Thankfully.

The pilot had done a wonderful job flying the plane; we landed as expected, wheels first.  He also displayed a few critical leadership skills in the process. 

He communicated with us.  He provided honest and accurate information; using easy to understand language, no jargon.  The pilot managed our expectations and advised us of anticipated turbulence.  When the turbulence hit, he calmly provided instructions to keep us safe while addressing the swirling currents of air. The pilot shared with us his plan to solve the problem and followed up by notifying us when he believed we had navigated through the difficulties.

At this point, you might be thinking; “I never really thought about my flights this way, but is this really article worthy?”

While this analysis is interesting to note, it was the pilot’s next actions which inspired the article. It was what he did on the ground.

As we deplaned, our pilot who calmly guided us to smoother air, stood on the jetway waiting for us.  He spoke to the passengers.  He apologized to each of us for turbulence.  He thanked us for flying with them and let us know that he hoped we would choose the Friendly Skies for our next flight. 

Isn’t this remarkable?!  Not only did he display Battlefield Cool, as he maintained control of the bouncing plane, he exemplified high caliber leadership on the ground, too.

After landing, pilots will often remain in the cockpit, hidden from the view of passengers.  Not this guy.  He faced each of us.  Any of you who work with the public, know the unhappy customer wants to speak with the manager!  By making himself available, he provided any dissatisfied passengers the opportunity to share their displeasure.  This action may have created satisfied customers as well as diffusing any complaints going further up the chain.

He apologized for a situation that he did not create.  Turbulence.  He did not attempt to make excuses for the weather or blame air traffic control.  He took responsibility.  His plane. Period.

Then he expressed appreciation for our business. The pilot realizes that customer service is not some task to be only be performed by other members of his team.  By personally thanking us, he role modeled excellent customer service.

Finally, he made a gesture for his team and the organization.  He asked us for our future business. 

Throughout this flight, our pilot put people first.  Whether be it the passengers or flight crew or the main office, his leadership actions demonstrated dedication to the customer, to his team and to his organization.  What a great example of proactive effective leadership in action!

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

Kelley’s optimistic outlook on life guides her belief that change is possible!

Her easy going instruction style mixed with a dry wit make her an entertaining educator. She has instructed professionals throughout the nation as well as internationally. Kelley has earned a Master of Business Administration and possesses a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, both from University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Please Buckle Your Seat Belts

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

By Kelley Reynolds

You know, I see leadership skills everywhere, everyday even in unlikely locations and situations.

As an example, this article was written on an airplane full of families returning home from Spring break. 

In any group, team, family, or organization, there is a need for leadership.  Whatever word you use for a gathering of humans who are working towards a common goal, be it increased sales or a menu for dinner, they perform better and accomplish more with a strong leader.  We need a leader who asks the team for suggestions, considers the needs of the organization and guides the team towards the goal.

When the sun is shining, and the team is working well together, the goal is within reach; leading can appear almost effortless and joyful.  However, what happens when there are unexpected bumps? When the team becomes unsure? Uncomfortable?  Apprehensive about the future and attaining the goal?

It is during these situations where we see the caliber of the leader.  As leaders, these are opportunities to challenge ourselves and grow. 

So, we hit a patch of turbulence.  Not the metaphorical kind, but the real kind.  The roller coaster in the sky with dips and drops and shimmies.  The pilot calmly communicated to us that we were going through some rough air and instructed the flight attendants be seated and to fasten their safety belts. We rocked and rolled as the pilots attempted to find smooth air. 

During this, the reactions of passengers, especially parents who were flying with their kids, were noteworthy.  Some passengers were obviously uncomfortable.  There were some of the usual and expected behaviors.  We held tightly to beverages.  We grabbed the armrests.  We offered prayers.  The turbulence was intense.

There was one parent, whose behavior caught my attention.  She clenched her jaws and squeezed her eyes shut.  With each drop, she moaned and cried out loudly in fear.  Her fear consumed her.  She appeared to be oblivious to anyone else on the plane, including her own kids and what they were experiencing.   Her behaviors caused tremendous concern and trepidation among her children.  One of her kids began to sob.   Her response to our current predicament was not helpful to anyone.    Her reactions only exacerbated the fear her children felt.

In the aisle across from me, there was another family.  Prior to the bumps, the teen had been entranced in whatever YouTube video was playing on her cellphone.   The parent was intently reading her book.  As we bounced, I noticed the teenager glanced to her parent.  The teen appeared to be seeking a cue from her parent.  Her posture seemed to ask, “How should we react to the bouncing plane?” Or perhaps, she was seeking some reassurance. 

The parent’s neutral gaze remained on the book for many seconds.  When the mother glanced up, she gently smiled at her daughter.  The mother offered a few words of comfort.  That was apparently enough to appease the teen who then returned her attention to her small screen.

Once the teen’s attention was re-absorbed into her cellphone, the mother discreetly placed her book down and wiped her moist palms. 

This mother, as the leader of her group of humans, had performed her job.  During an uncertain time, a member of her team sought reassurances.  The leader’s calm confidence let her team know that although scary now, everything was going to be okay.  Her message appeared to be just continue doing what you are doing, and we will get through this together.

Based upon her sweaty palms, this leader was not comfortable either.  However, she was careful not to share her feelings with her team; to not burden them with her worries.  As a leader, her priority was to subordinate her feelings and to place her team’s needs above her own.

In our professional lives, we know not every day is easy.  Whether it is because the sales numbers dropped, there was a delayed delivery or organization wide restructuring, there are those times when the team may be scrambling in turmoil. 

As leaders, you have choices.  You can behave like the parent in first example.  You can moan and be visibly upset; letting everyone within earshot know how dire you think the situation is.  You can share your fears with your team.  Will this strategy change or improve the situation?  Would this help the team? 

Or, you can behave like the leader in the second example, demonstrating Battlefield Cool.  You can exhibit confidence; confidence in them and in their ability to respond to the situation at hand.  You can be there for your team and provide them with the reassurance and guidance they seek.  As the leader, no one else can provide these for your team but you. Finally, you place your team’s needs above your own.  Being strong for them gives you the opportunity to focus on their needs while controlling your own emotions. You help no one, when you let them see you sweat!

Kelley Reynolds from Aegis Learning

Kelley’s optimistic outlook on life guides her belief that change is possible!

Her easy going instruction style mixed with a dry wit make her an entertaining educator. She has instructed professionals throughout the nation as well as internationally. Kelley has earned a Master of Business Administration and possesses a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, both from University of Nevada, Las Vegas.