Validated Competencies Ensure Your Learning and Training is Powerful and Long-Lasting
With an incredible foundation of research, Aegis Learning provides statistically accurate and empirically driven learning to our customers. New data with a 30 year foundation.
Not satisfied with just research, Aegis Learning has a robust and long track record of delivering results for organizations and individuals.
Best of all, rather than just a matrix of unexplained theory and complex models, the Aegis Learning EDGE competencies are useful, useable and can be implemented quickly by anyone.
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Listening
- Clarity
- Style Matching
- Boundary Adherence
- Tone
- Non-Verbal Signals
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Relationship Building
- Leadership Tone
- Team Greeting and Acknowledgement
- Courtesy and Respect
- Optimism and Hope
- Building Influence Through Engagement
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Positive Feedback
- Corrective Feedback
- Teaching and Training
- Selecting and Removing Team Members
- Building Influence Through Coaching
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Control
- Resilience
- Confidence
- Empathy
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Empowered Delegation
- Seeking Input
- Team Member Development
- Encouragement
- Mentoring
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Decision Levels
- Decision Timing
- Empowering Decisions
- Congruence with Ethics and Values
- Integrity
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Decision Levels
- Decision Timing
- Empowering Decisions
- Congruence with Ethics and Values
- Integrity
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Critical Thinking
- Systems Thinking
- Strategic Thinking
- Risk Analysis
- Use of Courage
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Building Relationship Power and Influence
- Balancing Leadership Power Types
- Working with Others
- Conflict Resolution
- Leadership Image
- Charisma
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Adapting to Change
- Leading Change and Being a Change Agent
- Input for Change and Innovation
- Enhancing Innovation
- Building an Innovation Culture
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Vision and Core Values
- Mission
- Strategic Objectives
- Action Plans
- Performance Management
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Listening
- Clarity
- Style Matching
- Boundary Adherence
- Tone
- Non-Verbal Signals
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Relationship Building
- Relationship Depth
- Networking
- Relationship Management
- Authenticity in Relationships
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Trust and Respect
- Building Reliable Trust
- Building Vulnerable Trust
- Repairing Broken Trust
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Conflict Causes
- Conflict Styles
- Compromise
- Collaboration
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Personal Role Mastery
- Impact of Personal Role
- Understanding Other Roles
- Role Awareness and Collaboration
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Input from Team Members
- Compromise of Positions
- Best Outcome Focus
- Successful Input Models
- Process Mapping
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Eliminate Team Member Baggage
- Forgive Self and Others
- Seeking Forgiveness
- Granting Forgiveness
- Accountability
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Vision and Mission Focus
- Product and Customer Focus
- Elimination of Distraction Elements
- Producing Results
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Positive Feedback
- Corrective Feedback
- Encouragement and Support
- Shared Ownership of Interests
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Shared Celebrations
- Social Activities
- Enjoyment of Interactions and Time Together
- Building Cohesion
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Shared Rewards and Recognition
- Shared Expectations
- Shared Accountability
- Vesting of Performance in Team
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Listening
- Clarity
- Style Matching
- Boundary Adherence
- Tone
- Non-Verbal Signals
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Importance of Service
- Professional Courtesy
- Building Rapport with Customers
- Customer’s Needs, Expectations and Wants
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Telephone Greeting
- Placing on Hold
- Transferring Calls
- Returning Messages
- Automated Systems
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Greeting and Acknowledging Customers
- Positioning
- Demonstrating Appreciation and Importance
- Closing Interactions
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Listening to Diffuse Difficult Situations
- Avoiding Personalization
- Deceleration Techniques
- Solving Issues
- Apologies
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Control
- Resilience
- Confidence
- Empathy
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Feedback
- Reward and Recognition
- Expectations
- Training
- Measuring and Reporting Service Levels
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Recruiting for Fit and Interpersonal Skills
- Quick Elimination of Poor Behavior and Performance
- Empowerment of Line Leaders
- Evaluation and Expectations Weighted to Interpersonal
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Equitable and Fair
- Demonstration of Value
- Encouragement of Resource Stewardship
- Value of Benefits
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Company Financial Reporting
- Sharing Challenges and Successes
- Organizational History and Stability
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Formal Social Gatherings
- Shared Celebration Events
- Causes and Community Involvement
- Value Relationships and Informal Interactions
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Formal Recognition Systems
- Culture of Praise, Appreciation and Positive Feedback
- Shared Responsibility for Appreciation and Feedback
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Training and Learning Opportunities
- Internal Advancement
- Job Shadowing and Swapping
- Connecting Job to Greater Good
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Soliciting Team Input
- Encouraging Innovation
- Encouraging Honest and Open Discussion
- Empowerment of Decisions
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Communication Frequency
- Relationship Importance
- Charisma
- Courtesy and Respect
- Empathy
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Feedback
- Decision Made in Accordance with Core Values
- Exceptions Rarely Occur
- Lives the Vision, Mission and Values
- Vision and Mission Discussed Often
- Same Standards for All
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Information Openly Shared with All Levels
- Openness of Financial Information
- Transparency About Team Member Changes
- Realistic Assessments of Market and Health
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- External Customers Highly Valued
- Internal Service Standards
- Respect and Courtesy in Interactions
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Autonomy and Freedom from Micromanagement
- People Above Policy and Procedure
- Input and Ideas Valued
- Workplace Rules Minimized
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Understanding Emotional Composition
- Understanding Motives and Other Influencers
- Reconciling Projections with Behaviors
- Getting to Core Self
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Noting Appreciation
- Sharing Appreciation and Gratitude with Others
- Creating a Gratitude Process and Internal Culture
- Providing Self-Appreciation
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Clearing Mind and Thoughts
- Replacing Negative with Positive
- Ritualizing the Time for Meditation
- Best Practices for Location and Position
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Noting Key Parts of a Day
- Noting Emotions and Thoughts
- Recording Gratitude
- Recording Forgiveness
- Setting Intentions
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Releasing the Wrongs of Others
- Self-Forgiveness
- Achieving Peace in Forgiving
- Not a Loss of Accountability for Actions
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Giving with Out Expectations for Return
- Giving without Control of an Outcome
- Giving of Time, Talents and Treasures
- Creating a Circle of Good
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Noting Times of Laughter and Fun
- Scheduling Time to Have Fun
- Connecting with Those People that Create Fun
- Scheduling Play
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Manage Physical Health and Diet
- Manage Time Off
- Create Down Time
- Prioritize Other Activities Besides Work
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Reviewing Judgements of Self and Others
- Understanding the Impact of Judgment and Blame
- End Victim Approach and Take Responsibility
- Connect With People Without Judgement
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- True to Core Values and Purpose
- Actions, Behaviors, Words and Values in Alignment
- Still Connected to Society and Human Boundaries
- Lives Life Congruent to Values
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Listening
- Clarity
- Style Matching
- Boundary Adherence
- Tone
- Non-Verbal Signals
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Control
- Resilience
- Confidence
- Empathy
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Appropriate Use
- Tone and Style
- Grammar and Spelling
- Construction of Email
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Listening to Diffuse Difficult Situations
- Avoiding Personalization
- Deceleration Techniques
- Solving Issues
- Apologies
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Time Parasites
- Time Blocking Strategies
- Time Planning
- Task and Time Balance
- Technology Based Tools
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Influence and Concern
- Sources of Stress
- Using Balance and Delay Techniques
- Respond and Not React
- Coping Resources and Tactics
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Conflict Causes
- Conflict Styles
- Compromise
- Collaboration
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Recruiting for Fit and Interpersonal Skills
- Behavioral Interviewing
- Non-Traditional Sources of Talent
- Onboarding Processes
- Ease of Application
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Building Performance Standards
- Performance Measurement and Reporting
- Reviews and Performance Meetings
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Documentation Requirements
- Progressive Discipline
- The Disciplinary Meeting
- Objectives of Discipline
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Training with a Competency Based Approach
- Using Facilitated Learning
- Blending Learning Styles and Approaches
- Measuring Training Outcomes
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Market and Internal Equity
- Meaningful Benefits
- Time Away Practices
- Raises, Bonuses and Incentive Pay
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Compliance Issues for Workplaces
- Discriminatory Practices in Hiring, Employment and Firing
- Hourly Wage and Work Rules
- Protected Classes
The Skills for this Competency Include:
- Investigating Claims of a Harassment or Hostile Working Environment
- Preventing Harassment
- Preventing Bullying
- Using Fair Employment Practices and Procedures
- Eliminating Behaviors that Produce Hostile Environments