Leading Edge – Volume 1 – Welcome

Leading Edge from Aegis Learning

Good morning and I sincerely hope this note finds you well.

As many of you know, I am no longer with SEE, Inc. (Soaring Eagle Enterprises) and this occurred two weeks short of our 25th anniversary of delivering great training, coaching and consulting services.

And as one door closes, a new, and better one opens.  Aegis Learning is truly “Dedicated to Your Success” and I promise to provide the same great training programs, leadership development, customer service initiatives and high performance team building you have come to expect from me.  All of this with a healthy dose of fun and laughter.  We also won’t be selling any coffee cups or socks.

I would like to extend a huge thank you and appreciation to those people we have already heard from and continued to show their faith and support in the work we do.  It has been humbling and I am grateful for your trust.

In the coming weeks, we will return to the ingredients to build better workplaces, improve lives, and introduce you to some new Aegis Learning team members.  As always, I look forward to your comments and input.  Thank you again.


Tim Schneider
Founder and Lead Facilitator
Aegis Learning