Striking the Leadership Balance

By Linda Florence

Organizations are dynamic in nature with constantly shifting priorities in a fast-paced business environment. The culture adapts to meet ever changing demands to ensure the business remains viable and even thrives. Despite continuous innovations in new technologies, organizations consist of individuals with a shared mission. The primary difference between the success and failure of any organization comes down to one common denominator; and that is, leadership.

The lines between work and personal life are increasingly blurred; separating work and life outside of work is increasingly difficult. It is not possible to be two entirely different people, one at work and one at home. We often hear the term ‘work-life balance’ as a successful leadership trait, and some organizations tout promoting this as part of its culture. What does that ‘balance’ really mean? Leadership is a choice, not a position. We cannot have one philosophy at work and a different perspective on life at home, with our friends and family. Successful leaders understand their role is to serve others.

To strike that so called ‘balance,’ leaders must have a consistent approach to all interactions both at home and at work. Leadership balance and engagement result in part, in increased career satisfaction and reduced stress. Given that employee engagement equates with business success, the employer naturally benefits from individual leaders who strive for balance. An engaged workforce is more productive than one that is disconnected from the organization.

Striking this balance refers to being in sync with yourself and living your purpose, regardless of your role; this includes being engaged in the industry, invested in the organization and helping others to success. It is not necessary to be in a formal leadership role to act consistent with serving others.

The culture of an organization reflects this leadership philosophy. Organizations that promote balance through leadership and engagement leads to higher levels of career satisfaction and overall individual well-being, which ultimately benefits the entity.

Linda F. Florence is a talented and dynamic instructor specializing in human resource management issues including hiring, disciplinary practices, policies, compensation and retention strategies. She has over 20 years of senior management level experience in the hospitality, financial services, retail and higher education.

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