Leading Edge – Volume 13 – Peer Based Feedback

Focus on High Performance Teams-Peer Based Feedback

  • First, make sure that trust is deeply rooted among team members and communication is rich and constant.  Without those two foundations, peer based feedback will not work.
  • Encourage team members to share positive feedback and appreciation with one another.  Model that behavior frequently as well.
  • Praise, recognize and appreciate when team members provide each other feedback.  Let them know it is a valued behavior.
  • Let the team know your expectations for sharing feedback.  Many team members do not realize they have permission to share praise and correction with other team members.
  • Start with encouragement of positive feedback and then slowly introduce the use of peer based corrective feedback.
  • As a leader, do not be anxious to jump in and mediate or work through little dysfunctions in feedback.  Allow the team to be self-correcting related to how they provide feedback.

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We are not an automated feed, we do not sell stuff and we do not recycle the same content over and over again.

What we do is provide a steady stream of current articles related to leadership, customer service and teamwork.  Our people man the helm of our Facebook and Twitter feeds and are always on the lookout for things of interest or value to our customers and friends.  On Fridays, we share a little humor along the way and we are not afraid to let our personalities come through and let you get to know us.

Thank you so much and I hope you have a great week.

Tim Schneider
Founder and Lead Facilitator
Aegis Learning

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