Leading Edge – Volume 15 – High Performance Teams Conclusion

Focus on High Performance Teams-High Performance Teams Conclusion

  • Different personality types and styles have an influence on overall team dynamics and performance.
  • First, understanding the different personalities, providing empathy for different approaches and styles and finally, adapting to those differences will create great teamwork.
  • Set expectations for interpersonal interactions no differently than you would for technical performance.  Value communication, interaction and teamwork as much as productivity and quality to avoid difficult team members developing.
  • Continue to reach out and try to connect with “cubicle curmudgeons” and locate that point in which they will engage with the team.  Could be input, social interactions, being valued or a variety of things but keep trying.
  • Yes, my dog is with me during filming.
  • Update on old company. 🙂

On the day after Memorial Day, we are incredibly thankful for all the women and men who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.  It is on their sacrifice that we are able to live in freedom, operate our business and live our lives in peace.  Rest well warriors of a noble calling.

Some of the Aegis Learning team was able to participate in some community service on Friday evening.  This was the first of many monthly “pay backs” we will be doing.  If you are interested in joining us, please drop us a note.

We are also thrilled to welcome Camina Stevenson and Jasneet Kaur to the Aegis Learning team.  Their talents are exceptional and we are very fortunate to have them with us.

Next week, please look for a great article on the power of optimism from Polly Walker and a new video series.

Thank you and have a great rest of this week.

Tim Schneider
Founder and Lead Facilitator
Aegis Learning

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